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The Perfect Food to End the Post-Vacation Bloat

We took a short vacation this spring and with travel comes lots of eating out. It is a pleasure – not having to cook or clean it up, finding restaurant gems in an unfamiliar city. In many ways it is simpler than at home – meal planning, shopping and cooking. I do enjoy those things when I am not feeling time pressured, but it does get tiresome – 3 meals/day, 7 days/week. Vacation is a time to relax, and being more relaxed about eating naturally happens too.

Suggestions for Deciding How Many Meals to Eat Each Day

Is there a true or proven way to know how many times a day you should eat? More than likely every doctor or nurse you talk to would say something different. They may have the same number of times in a day, but the reasoning behind it may be different. Ultimately you’re the one that needs to decide how many times a day you eat, but you need to have an understanding behind some things before you make the final decision.

Eliminate Energy-Sappers From Your Diet

Insufficient protein – With high-protein, low-carb diets being so popular, it’s hard to believe it but insufficient protein is a common reason for fatigue. Pack some almonds and nuts for a quick and convenient protein snack.

Healthy Chocolate

Chocolate Is The Best Way To Help You Develop Good Health – This may seem like a strange way of improving your personal well being, but it is true, chocolate will help you in more ways than one. The following is a list of chocolates benefits to help you improve.

The Road to Relief From IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome is often a debilitating disease that keeps you from enjoying your life. Learn the many strategies available to treat this condition to get relief today.

7 Big Health Problems For Americans

During the past couple years, Americans have encountered the discovery of Ebola, started new food trends, and have been in constant debate of how our health should be handled and if it should be handled. When looking at the statistics, trends and news are the least of our problems. However, there are still major health problems that have been an issue in the past, and still continue to be.

What To Do About Night Cravings

If you get cravings at night for alcohol or sugar, both may have drawbacks for sleep. This article covers those drawbacks and offers a simple and better way to get to sleep.

Vegan Protein

Hello everyone, one of the first thoughts that come to mind when someone mentions the word vegan is Protein. Why the question gets asked is likely due to what most of us were taught growing up but, I’ll bet didn’t you know that some of the strongest animals in the wild don’t consume meat such as Deer, Elephants, and buffalo just to name a few. Some nutrition experts might even suggest that the average American eats too much protein. Regardless off of everything I will tell you everything i know about getting protein as a vegan.

Your Mental Concentration and Focus – Give Them a Boost

Each type of food contains some mineral, vitamin or nutriment that will target a specific need by your body. A knowledge of which foods provide this needed nutrition is very helpful when planning your diet. Your particular metabolism might require supplements to maintain overall health for your body and mind.

How to Eat Healthy for Idiots

Want to know how to eat healthy? Most people have no idea how they are slowly committing suicide with what they eat. Here is my Idiot proof guide to eating healthy…

What To Do If You Have A Picky Eater?

Picky eating is a common yet deeply troubling situation. If handled correctly at the start, it can be resolved and can lead to good eating habits for life.

Chewing Your Food Longer Can Help With Weight Loss and More

Chewing food longer and more thoroughly can help in a number of ways: earlier satiation signals, increased satiety, improved health, and more. This article covers the effects of chewing on weight loss and meal enjoyment. It also offers guidelines for getting these benefits and others from our food.

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