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An Easy Method for Vegetarian Meal Planning

With the increase in the number of vegetarians, vegetarian meal planning has become an important topic, and easy vegetarian meals delivered to your home have increased. Specialty meals home delivered has become important for a healthy lifestyle as well as taking pressure off all the meal planning and proper purchasing of ingredients necessary when specific diets are concerned. There are many forms of vegetarianism which includes or excludes various foods, from ovo vegetarianism (includes the consumption of eggs but not dairy products), lacto vegetarianism (includes dairy products but not eggs), and Buddhist vegetarianism (excludes all animal products as well…

5 Steps To Eating Raw Successfully

Discover how you can eat raw with success and lose weight doing so. No supplements to swallow and no restrictive diets.

“Healthy” Is a Big Fat Lie!

Ok, well maybe “lie” is a little on the strong side but intentional misconception hits it right on the head! Most of my coaching clients tell me that they eat “pretty healthy.” And, from what they know, they are. The reality of it is that most people have a seriously warped perception of what is healthy – thanks to the successful marketing of the processed food industry. Here’s a little story to illustrate my point.

Tasty Fat Burning Foods

Dieting and eating healthy does not have to be boring! There are tasty foods that you should add to your diet to help your body burn fat all day long. Eat you way to a slimmer body.

Health: Better Late Than Never

Even if you have been contaminating your body with chemicals in your food, prescriptions or over-the-counter drugs, fluoridated water or a polluted environment, you can reduce or eliminate your exposure to toxins, introduce healthy, whole-foods, and positive thoughts, and over time you will rebuild yourself into a healthier you – naturally! Think of the people you’ve seen who look amazing for their age (not those who have “gone under the knife”). You’ve seen the people who look better at fifty than they did at forty. Your body is constantly regenerating itself! By providing it with the nutrients, energy and rest it needs, your body can be revitalized too!

Are You Tired Of Not Seeing Results?

Have you been training for months, even years without achieving your best body? If you’re tired of not seeing those pounds fall off, it’s probably time to get serious about your nutrition once and for all! When there is a stumbling block on the path to losing weight or even reaching peak fitness, it’s almost always associated with poor nutrition.

Can Fats Harm Your Heart and Health?

Diet plays an important part in our health, and tests on rabbits decades ago, where they were fed cholesterol and animal fat, revealed hardening of the arteries. It’s true that eating some fat is essential to our wellbeing. Healthy fat is also found in nuts and seeds, and in oily fish. Eating too much of the wrong kind however can damage your heart and lead to obesity.

Potassium – Why You Need It in Your Diet and Which Foods Are Rich In It

Potassium is one of the 7 major minerals, and it has multiple roles in the human body. You will discover why it is vital to your health, and what foods contain the highest potassium concentrations.

The Food Safety Modernization Act: Increased Regulations on the Transportation and Handling of Food

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the risks in the food supply chain. The Food Safety Modernization Act, recently signed by President Obama is a big step in addressing these concerns. While the public is asking for more stringent regulation and oversight, growers and producers are concerned about how these new powers will impact the handling and transportation of food throughout the United States.

A New Way of Eating: Digging Up the Past for a Far Healthier Future

Would you like to begin the process of healthier life? Connect with your inner caveman? As strange as that sounds, would you like discover ways to keep it healthy?

Delicious Paleo Meals

The Paleo diet is very popular among athletes and individuals alike, and creating a Paleo meal plan easy. In this article you will learn how to create tasty Paleo meals and learn the benefits of the Paleo eating lifestyle.

Good Fats Verses Bad Fats – Why Does It Matter?

Did you know that certain types of fats are essential in order for your body to perform properly? In fact, if you are truly interested in healthy weight loss, you must know this information. After reading this article, you will know the difference between monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. I know these two words sounds complicated, but trust me, after reading this article you will appreciate them.

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