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Rethink Your Drink

Sugary drinks such as sodas, sports drinks, and energy drinks are one of the largest contributors to the obesity epidemic. However, there are healthy options you can drink instead.

Successful Dieter’s Tip Number 3

To take a step back and look into the health and fitness industry it is quite apparent that a lot of people have found their proven method of weight loss and felt compelled to share it with everyone else. Whether they do that for monetary gain, or to just plain help out is up to you to decide. There is one thing that all of these individuals and businesses have in common- they have all achieved a weight loss goal.

Why Should I Eat Organic – But Isn’t It Too Costly?

In the last few decades more and more people have been starting to eat organic food. Read on to find out why you should eat organic, and how to avoid it becoming too costly.

Choosing a Healthy Energy Bar

  During those moments when you cannot afford to sit down for a proper meal, an energy bar is what you need for that extra boost. However, it should be noted that today, there are many energy bars in the market and most of these contain a lot of sugar, which is not good for your health. One of the ingredients in energy bars that are not good for your health is high fructose corn syrup.

Are You Getting Enough Magnesium? 70% of Americans Don’t!

Magnesium is vital for good health, yet so many Americans are deficient through poor diet. Is there any wonder there is so much high blood pressure, insomnia, chronic fatigue, asthma & allergies just to name a few of the health conditions associate with low magnesium levels. Learn how to quickly and easily get your daily dose of magnesium.

10 Tips for Successfully Following The Alkaline Diet

The alkaline diet is extremely powerful when it comes to promoting your health and well-being. These 10 tips will help you to successful follow the alkaline diet and reap all the health benefits.

The Different Sources of Caffeine

Many people have used caffeine as a way of improving their mental alertness during times when they are experiencing a lack of sleep or fatigue. As a matter of fact, Caffeine is quite suitable for the body if taken in small doses each day. Additionally, you do not have to drink coffee every day to get your caffeine fix. If you do not know it yet, there are many different possible sources for caffeine that you can try out, especially if you do not like the bitter taste of coffee.

Stop Food Cravings Naturally And Effectively

Food cravings are generally unhealthy because they make you want to eat more foods than necessary. Learn what foods you can use to naturally and effectively suppress your cravings.

Taking the Disguise Off Health-Food Impostors

Real information about what’s nutritious and healthful can get lost in marketing hype. What’s really good for you? Here are four common good-nutrition fakers, unmasked.

Do You Have Impostors in Your Fridge?

Food manufacturers advertise, imply, or otherwise lead you to believe that what you are buying is good for you whether it really is or not. Want to keep low-nutrition foods out of your diet? Here are a few culprits to avoid.

Beware the Health-Food Impostors

Fancy or misleading labels can make foods appear more healthful than they really are. It’s easy to walk through the checkout line with less nutrition than you bargained for. How to fight back? Become a savvy consumer.

Correct Uses of Herbal Health Food

For so long, herbs have been a primary source of enhancing recipes and adding some spice to the food that people cook. In fact, herbs and spices can be utilized to take the place of unwholesome ingredients such as saturated fats, sodium glutamate and processed sugar.

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